Saturday, August 7, 2010

There are areas in your foot that correspond to the meridians and qi flow that goes through the stomach. Massaging these areas is helpful. The diagram here show areas you can massage that affect the stomach, pancreas, kidney, liver, gall bladder, intestines, colon, appendix, spleen, bladder,and appendix.

Try massaging these areas in breaks between strength training sets for your abs.

the idea

This is a blog to explore the connection of inner and outer transformation - to explore emotional release work with strength training. And specifically as it applies to the abs.

There is a way to do crunches and leg raises from your musculature. There is also a way to do it from the emotional body, and also from the causal body.

If you can find a way in to begin releasing the emotions. Then work from that place as you do strength training you may find a new way of doing things.